



by contextualizing each job listing to the kind of life you want to live. Dawn matches key aspects of a job listing to your profile in order to determine if the job is the right fit for you based on each aspect of your life as to help users make informed decisions about their future.
view the process
Contextualizing Job searching
2 weeks
Project Type
My Roles
Research, Analysis, Wireframing, Prototyping, USER Testing, Visual Design, BRANDING
Tools Used
Figma, Principle, RotatO
An Isometric mockup of the Una Application
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Dawn is a mobile application that contextualises job searching and in doing so, helps you find the right job for your life.

Informing activity through The Digest
The digest serves to provide existing users with an overview of the status of their past applications as to keep them up to date with their past activities and help to inform their future browsing activity.

Brand colours and animation were used for celebratory animations for advancements through the applciation process, such as being accepted for a position, this aims to positively reinforce the process of job searching and uplift users through a process often associated as being draining or arduous.
Enforcing Visual Heirachy
In order to maximize the amount of valuable content shown when using the application, a collapsing "Your Applications" section was implemented so that as users scroll down to view their recommended jobs, the "Insights" section fades away and the "Your Applications" section collapses into a compact view.
As to ensure clarity, the minimization is animate so that users are visually guided to where they can find the content.

By minizing the sections it facilitates the discovery of new jobs and encourages user discovery rather than dwelling on their past or current applications.
Making listings more accessible
Rather than providing the entire listing information in one long block of text, Dawn breaks it up into tabs that the user can navigate through, these relate to the listing summary, role description, location overview and company insights.
These tab sections facilitate easier wayfinding and navigation as well as accommodates for users around the world where long blocks of text are otherwise inaccessible.
Contextualising the Job search
Each job listing on Dawn is broken down into an overview section that displays key infromation regarding a position such as the salary, working hours and location as would be expected.
Once users have determined if they have an foundational interest in the position they can then scroll through the compatilibty section that showcases how their profile relates to the context of the position, company and wider area.
a window into company culture and working enviroment
Insights take inspiration from the now commonplace "stories" functionality that is found on social platforms. Insights aim to help users get an insight into the companies they are interested in and in doing so, make better informed decisions when it comes to accepting an offer. Insights use the categorization system so that users can quickly identify and relate the content they see on screen to the categories that most interest them.

When designing the interaction it was important to create an animation that was snappy but playful as a means of enticing users to engage with the content and increase their understand of the company. In enforcing consistent navigational habits, an adapted version of a sheet with a semi-modal style is implemented. In which users drag down to minimize the expanded category.
Users are presented with the title of the insight, the category, a brief description, rating (if applicable) and a few snippets of key information such as opening times.

Insights are generated by the companies and their employees as a transparent means of providing otherwise unattainable access to information about the daily lives of an employee.

How it started

Quality of life is a multifaceted, established job searching tools neglect this in favour of qualifications and quantity of applications.
Finding the right job can be hard enough as it is, but factor in moving to a new country, not knowing the cost of living, if you will be able to use public transport or not and trying to adjust to a new culture all together. These are just a few of the struggles that expatriates undergo each time they look for a job.
At present, whenever we look for a new job, the deciding factor tends to be the salary, as a result, most recruitment platforms tend to design around the salary and thus, omit the other factors that go into choosing the right job.
The problem
Current job finding tools neglected many of the accomapnying factors such as accessiblity, diveristy or culture that contribute to quality of life especially amongst Expatriots who lack key contexts.
Dawn aims to solve this problem for both expatriates and nationals, it does so by contextualizing each job listing to the kind of life you want to live. Dawn matches key aspects of a job listing to your profile in order to determine if the job is the right fit for you. Users are presented with cards that detail how the job matches to each aspect of their life. in order to help users make informed decisions about their future.
The goals
Discover the factors that contribute to workplace quality of life
Provide users with a contextualised solution to help them understand job listings and find the best job for their life
Facilitate comunication of the everyday culture and wokring envornemnt between companies and prospective applications
The process










As to best understand user needs and identify pain points secondary research, user interview and affinitization was used. The results of which highlighted key insights into shortcomings with regards to local knowledge (cost of living, holidays, culture etc), lifestyle (working hours, work/life balance, overtime), quality of information (and user trust in that information) and general amenities surrounding the position.
Secondary Research
In 2017, The Society for Human Resources Management carried out a study that aimed to gauge job satisfaction across the US workforce.

As part of that study they were able to highlight what factors employees valued and how satisfied they were with those factors.
From the study it is clear that there there are significant areas for improvement in order to align workplaces with the value's of their employees.
affinity diagraming
Parsing the date points collected from user interviews with expatriates working in Media City in Dubai allowed for me to gain insights into the different factors that users look for when looking for a job as well as important pain points that impact their quality of life.

One of the more surprising findings surrounded transport, specifically the unavailability of parking nearby heavily influencing their motivation and outlook when starting their work day.
Moreover users felt that the current market solutions are too dependent on large bodies of text that are not digestible and hard to understand.


Having established an understanding of the problem space and user pain points, proto personas were created to represent these insights so to help empathise with users and their contexts.
By creating 3 photo personas I was able to represent a diverse range of target users, their motivations, context and pain points.

These revolved around understanding how the positions relate to them and the lives they want to life, this highlighting the need for an easily digestible system to communicate this compatibllity.


The next stage in the process was to begin devising the solution, this invovles taking the understandings developed from the discover and define phases and creating solutions to the user needs via system functionality outlined by user flows and wireframes
User Flow
In order to instil an efficient user flow I utilized a simple 3 option tab based navigation system, in doing so Dawn uses a system that users from across the global are familiar with due to its widespread implementation.

A recap stage was included for existing users where they are presented with a quick summary of the status nd progress of their applications as to inform their future browsing activity.
Low Fidelity Wireraming
When designing the wireframes, rather than using a variety of different screens to present new information, sheets were used to try and keep users as close to the content they care about as possible.

The key benefits of sheets are that they are very easy to access for quick tasks and instil a visual hierarchy to the page which helps inform the user where they were and where they are.
The key benefits of sheets are that they are very easy to access for quick tasks and instil a visual hierarchy to the page which helps users with wayfinding.

Furthermore the afformentioned compatibility categorisations were integrated into story-esque functionality called insights where companies can share a look into their enviornment and how the content relates to each category.
Designing for glanceable compatibility
During onboarding, users complete a variety of short questions with regards to their skills, preferred housing (type, size), how far they would like to commute (and by what method), if they have any specific accessibility or diversity requirements and the kind of social life they want to live.
Using this data Dawn is able to compare jobs with the prospective applicant and as a result can recommend jobs in 3 different categories, Perfect, Great and Good matches. This colour coded system of labelling allows the user to efficiently identify the right jobs for them.


Having defined the user flow and contextual cateogrizations in the develop stage, a brand identity representative of new beginings was created with an ACCOMPANYING visual language that was used to created high fidelity visualisations and prototypes of the final solution.
Creating the identity

the beginning of a phenomenon or period of time, especially one considered favorable.

Once the Dawn identity and branding was created, the high fidelity visitations were then created using the existing wireframes, attention was paid to visual hierarchy, specifically with regards to the contents of sheets such as snippets of data their context clues and fact carousels.


Throughout the process I was able to focus on designing for a wide variety of users and thus was challenged to think about universal design principles as to ensure clarity and easy of navigation so that the perceived complexity is minimal and users can focus on finding the best job for them.
In summary the Dawn project allowed me to take a departure from creatively liberal design in order to place a greater emphasis on functionality.